Colley Hill, Reigate.
[To PEP EDITOR OF Tax "STEM/T08. "] SIR,—May I enforce the appeal already made in your columns on behalf of the purchase for the public of this magnificent tract of the North......
Portinscale Bridge.
[To TEE EDIT011 OF TKO " SPIICTATOB."] Sra,—The courtesy and common sense of the Council prevailed last week, and the question of building a new bridge at the cost of £4,000,......
The Ancient Funds Of The Welsh Church.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR1 SIE,—May I through your columns put certain propositions to those who are interested in this subject P 1. Disestablishment is a question of......
Town Boys For Colonial Farms.
[To TAX EDITOR OP Ta1 " SPPOTATOP.."] Six,—On August 27th, 1910, you kindly inserted a letter from me on the above subject, which resulted in £800 being subscribed to enable a......