The Rivals
Sir: Nicolas Walter complains (5 March): 'I have been a fairly indefatigable writer of ,letter s to editors (since about 1948) but I have never achieved a rate of publication of......
Sir: Why All The Puzzlement About Tie-rings? They Were...
enough a century ago. I have two which belonged to arty grand- father: he was born in 1860 and died aged 93 , by which time he had reverted to the fashions of his youth, and......
Lib Gains
Sir: Geoffrey Wheatcroft states (5 March) that the Bermondsey by-election result is a significant gain for the Liberals in that it is the first time that they have won a solid......
Tie ring saga Sir: It may possibly interest Mr Waugh (`Valuable woggle mystery,' 5 March) to know that Ford Madox Ford described Vin- cent Macmaster, a character in Some Do Not.......
Sir: I Would Have Thought That Anyone Wearing A Tie
ring in a gentlemen's club deserves to have it stolen. Is Peregrine Worsthorne (26 February) sure that his friend wasn't at the Garrick? Michael Whitehall Turf Club, London SWI......
. Colourful Images Sir: I Enjoyed Patrick Skene Catling's...
cle (5 February) but none of the examples he gave of novelists' use of colour can com- pare with an extract from the second chapter of Charles Reade's The Cloister and the......
Sir: Whoever drew the 'Portrait of the week' for your issue of 5 March made the mistake of ascribing the Nobel Prize for Literature to Jorge Luis Borges. Would that it were so!......
Jacques Tati
Sir: Having been commissioned by Seeker and Warburg to write the life of the French cineast Jacques Tati, I would be grateful in- deed to hear from any of your readers who may......
State Capitalism
Suh: I have just seen that damn Yankee Nicholas von Hoffman's scandalous re- write of history in his Spectator article for 26 February. He has the crust, the immortal rind, to......
Winds And Waves
Sir: Nigel Sitwell contends (26 February) that carbon dioxide from conventional fuels will in time inevitably cause tidal waves to sweep inland. He suggests that we might defer......