Letters To The Editor
THE MAHDI AND THE SUDAN Sla,—No friend of Sudanese independence can feel very happy about Sir Nigel Davidson's letter on Abdulla Bey Khalil's recent article, published in your......
Sweden's Neutrality
Sts,—Mr. Arnold Forster's contention, that Sweden's acceptance of mem- bership in the United Nations involves a deliberate abandonment of, neutrality, is no doubt literally......
The Nelson Annuity
SIR,—Apropos of your remarks on the Nelson pension in The Spectator of December 6th, perhaps the following may be of interest. It is an extract from the reminiscences of the......
Sir,—my Friend. Mr. N. R. Udal, Queries My Charge Of
maladministration against the Mandi on the ground that, as he died within six months of Gordon's death, he had no time to maladminister. But the Mandi was master of the Sudan......
Peace Priorities
Sta,—For more than a year we have been reading in your paper, and in almost every newspaper, magazine or journal published in this country, a series of very patient and......