Storm In A Tea-cup
Two Exiles. By H. C. A. Gaunt. (Sampson Low. Ss. 6d.) MR. GAUNT is surely mistaken in seeking to reach with his book a wider public than that provided by past and present......
World Of Monsters
Beowulf. In Modern Verse. By Gavin Bone. (Blackwell. 15s.) THE study of Anglo-Saxon, as indeed the study of Greek and Latin, has always been too much concerned with language and......
Suzanne and Joseph Pasquier. By Georges Duhamet. Translated by Beatrice de Holthoir. (Dent. 10s. 6d.) THE French novel, beginning let us assume for order's sake with Madame de......
Christmas Story -books
The House in the Hills. By Olivia FitzRoy. 8s. 6d.) Kemball Cook. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.) THREE of the story-books on this list were written by authors with a purpose towards......