Parliament And B.b.c.
The discussion on the B.B.C. in the House of Commons on Wednesday produced few criticisms going beyond the expression of individual tastes, though Mr. Henry Strauss made a point......
Nokrashy For Sidky
How far the resignation of Sidky Pasha, the Egyptian Prime Minister, is due to purely physical causes can only be surmised. The probability is that the Prime Minister, who has......
University And Nation
The urgent question of increased university accommodation is raised again in a rather challenging form in the report presented last Friday by a sub-committee of the......
Mr. Lewis Calls A Truce
The decision of John L. Lewis to send the American soft coal miners back to work until March 3rst, 1947, settles little but reveals much. The determination of the American......
Industrial Combination
The mystery which has surrounded the negotiations for the merger of the Federation of British Industries and the British Employers' Confederation has not been dispelled by......