Major Murray And Mr. Roberts, Of Northumberland-street,...
together. Mr. Roberts watched Major Murray this day, about eleven o ' clock, into his office, and, during an angry altercation, took up a pistol and fired it, inflicting two......
Topics Of The Day.
LORD HERBERT OF LEA. T HE rumours of the retirement of Lord Herbert from the War Office grow stronger every day, and it seems certain that if he has not already retired, he only......
From The London Marmite, July 9. Bankruptcy...
Yorkshire, topmaker. Bankrupts—Henry French °vender', Maidstone, Kent, draper (and not dealer and Chapman only as before advertised)—Louis Solomon, London-wall, City, cap manu-......
BOTH Houses of Parliament sat last night. In the House of Lords, the Irremovable Poor Bill was resumed in committee, but no progress had been Lord STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE moved......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Tin payment of the half-yearly dividend on Consols has caused an increased supply of money in the Discount Market, and the rate for the best......