Iligask,—a. Severe Financial Crisis Is Reported From St....
the details are too vague to be intelligible. It would appear, however, that the factories are closing party in consequence of the emancipation of the serfs, which also is......
Aumairq. — The Emperor Of Austria, It Is Stated, Was Not...
unwilling to receive the address of the Hungarian Diet. The am- bassadors in Vienna, however, and more especially Lord Blomfield; represented that if he received the address he......
Spiu.—an Insurrection Of Some Kind Has Occurred And Been...
pressed in Loja. The insurgents, some three hundred in number, seized the town, uttering some Republican and, it is said, Protestant cries. A body of troops marched against the......
Ihrfugal. — Le Monde Publishes A Bitter Article On The...
this countq "Everybody is aware that Lisbon, the capital of that little British entrepOt called Portugal, is now the part of Europe most infected with St. Simonianism,......
Intrirs. — The Latest News From America Is To The 29th Ult.,
and the principal topic of discussion was the possibility of compromise. The assertion that proposals of peace had been received w as officially de- nied by the Secretary of......
To Pay His Debts, Which, It Is Believed, They Will
-very imarly cover, and the third was to depose the Seraskier, or commander-in-chief of the army. This noble, a relative by marriage of the late Sultan, was the very foundation......