Subscriptions to the " OVERLAND FRIEND OF INDIA," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at 1, Wellington-street, Strand. Terms : Per Annum, payable in advance £2. Postage......
Erratum.—the Editor Of The " Englishwoman's Domestic Ma...
to correct an error which appeared in the short notices in our last number. It was there said that the illustration to the story called the " Family Secret" did duty for "Teresa......
BOTH Houses of Parliament sat last night. In the House of Lords, the Irremovable Poor Bill was resumed in committee, but no progress had been Lord STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE moved......
Erhatto Nitvrarr6ing5 In Printout.
Timm or Loans, Monday, July 9.—Education. Tuesday, July 9.—Poor Assessments (Scotland) Bill; second reading—East India. Council BBL Thursday, July 1L—Mercantile Marine ; Lord......