Zionist Lobby
SIR,—A virtue of the Spectator is that it says what it feels as well as what it cautiously thinks. It is not confined within the limits of thin-lipped objec- tivity. But am I at......
Catholic Fashions
lit,—The great majority of Masses in the Roman basilicas are said at side-altars by priests who turn their backs on the people, It is true, as Fr. McCabe remarks, that at some......
Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust
SIR,—Twenty-four years ago Maynard Keynes built a theatre at Cambridge at his own expense and soon after presented it in trust to the university and city. With next to no......
Sir,—your Correspondent Joanna Moore Writes : `to Say...
are "considerable pockets of undernourishment" is surely a masterly under- statement when more than a thousand million people in the world are in fact undernourished.' Is it not......
The British Society Of Aesthetics Sir,- We Should Be Obliged
if you would draw the attention of your readers to a proposal to form a ' British Society of Aesthetics. The purpose of the Society is to promote study, research, discussion and......
Sit,—why Not Cut Oranges Into Halves And Squeeze Them Into
a glass? What comes out is orange juice. —Yours faithfully, CYRIL RAY......
Sir,—the Recipe Sent By Mrs. R. J. Studdert- Kennedy Makes
a pleasant enough drink and is a good cheap substitute for the commercial squashes but it does not resemble the real fruit juice craved by Leslie Adrian.—Yours faithfully, 3......
Sus.—,your Correspondent A. E. Cherryman Reports The...
lady at Aldershot who was attempting to play the piano continuously for 132 hours, and asks whether this is a record (not, of course, for piano-playing, but for lunacy). It is......
Voluntary Service Projects
SIR.—An interesting feature of World Refugee Year has been the evidence of large numbers of people anxious to offer voluntary service to those in need or distress. The files of......