14 JUNE 1986, page 23

City And Suburban

Woolies takes over a masterpiece and the IBA turns a cloth ear CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he orchestra strikes up the great theme from Beethoven's Choral Sym- phony: the setting of......

First, The Bad News

SACKING the governor of a central bank takes some doing. Israel's government, though, has sacked the Governor of the Bank of Israel, Moshe Mandelbaum, and has sacked the heads......

Fairer Shares

WE have it on David Howell's authority that the Prime Minister believes in the redistribution of capital with a fervour which makes Anthony Wedgwood Benn look a moderate. (So he......

Wedgwood Preserved

PAUL Channon has shooed the bull out of Wedgwood's china shop. That shows that the merger boom has made the Govern- ment rethink its policy, and not before time. Norman Tebbit,......

Spectator Classifieds Page 46
