14 JUNE 1986, page 25

Letters Macmillan's Diary

Sir: There are a number of points in Christopher Booker's article on Nikolai Tolstoy's recent book (`The minister and the massacres', 17 May) which need to be challenged.......

The Forbes Effect

Sir: Who in the name of sanity is A. N. Wilson that he is given four columns (`Goodbye to Grub Street', 31 May) on why he is giving up reviewing? The new G. B. Shaw? I know he......

Magic Loot

Sir: In your issue of 10 May, Rodney Milnes complains, not for the first time, about the inadequate government subsidy for opera in Britain. According to the March 1985 number......

Over Generous

Sir: Dr Sams (Letters, 3 May) has put a good deal of scholarly work into editing Edmund Ironside, and that should be of permanent value, for which we should be grateful. Sorry......

Fair Comment

Sir: Ever sensible of the fairmindedness with which the august columns of the Spectator are imbued, I am emboldened to write and point out that in his useful note of 24 May on......


Sir: Heard on radio this morning. Derek Jamieson interviewing Jeffrey Archer about gaffes attributed to him in his role as publicist for the Conservative Party. 'Now let me bowl......

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