15 AUGUST 1987, page 22


Sir: Following recent medical advice to overcome insomnia by natural methods, awake at 2.30 a.m., I picked up a magazine from the side of my bed to lull myself into sleep.......

Bill Resurgens

Sir: To all those people who answered my attack on the Spectator, a few words: To those who sent poison-pen letters unsigned; who else do you send your dirty little letters to?......

Going Ape

Sir: One has sympathy with Jeffrey Ber- nard's cat-sitting problems (`Low life', 8 August). It's a pity he has such difficulty in finding like-minded company. Mr Bernard will......

Unionist Challenge

Sir: I am surprised that Brian Inglis's excellent argument for an independent Northern Ireland (`Themselves alone', 25 July) has attracted no correspondence whatsoever.......

Ufo Frenzy

Sir: I found Mr Adrian Berry's review of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up (Books, 1 August) as bizarre as the subject matter concerned, in particular his fear that......