In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Balfour Made
his statement as to Government business. In the programme which must be carried out before Parliament rose he included the Budget Bill, the Loan Bill, the Agricultural Rating......
The New Premier Of Austria, Baron Korber, Has Succeeded In
partially appeasing the quarrel between the Czechs and Germans in Bohemia. He has introduced some considerable industrial projects, and to pass them the representatives have......
Everything Scenic Amuses Frenchmen, And Paris Has Been...
in a duel between M. Max Regis, the fiery Anti-Semite Mayor of Algiers, and M. Laberdesque. They fought with swords on Friday week for two hours and a half without a wound being......
Lord Curzon May Have Moved A Little Too Straight .to
his object, though that doeS not appear on the surface ;' but Mr. Fanshawe is obviously in the wrong. Officials in his position are not colleagues of the Viceroy. but Executive......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Bowles Moved
the adjournment of the House because the Government would not undertake to suspend the prosecution of certain works on the west side of Gibraltar. Mr. Bowles was very vehement......
On June 11th The Duke Of Cornwall Reached Auckland On
his tour round the world, and was, of course, received with cordial enthusiasm. The special feature of his welcome was that the Maoris joined in it, and that the New Zealanders......
Applying These Principles In Practice, The Committee Re-...
begin with, that the concession enjoyed by the Netherlands Railway should be cancelled. In regard to the question whether any, and if so what, compensation should be paid to the......
On Tuesday Was Published A Blue-book Containing The...
the Transvaal Concessions Committee. The Report assumes that the Government will protect all duly acquired rights, but notes certain necessary limitations in regard to the......