15 JUNE 1901, page 26

India In The Nineteenth Century. By Demetrius C. Boulger....

Marshall and Son. Gs.)—Mr. Boulger has been most successful, it seems to us, in keeping himself clear from partisan- ship and prejudice. It must be understood that he does not......

The Parentage And Kinsfolk Of Sir Joshua Reynolds. By Sir

Robert Edgcumbe. (Chiswick Press.)—The author sets him- self to account for the fact that Sir Joshua sought his associates, not among his fellow-artists, but among literary men.......

Poems By Alexander Smith. With Prefatory Note By R. E.

D. Sketchley. (W. Scott. 2s.)—We are glad to see this collection of the poetry of Alexander Smith. This generation knows little about his work, yet it is worth attention. The "......

The Curse Of Education. By Harold Gent. (grant Richards. 2s.

Gd.)—Versatile persons sometimes turn their attention to subjects with which, to put it mildly, they are but imperfectly qualified to deal. We have an example in Mr. Harold......

Sheffield In The Eighteenth Century. By Robert Emden...

(Pawson and Brailsford, Sheffield.)—Mr. Leader, who is an acknowledged expert in Sheffield matters, has made in this volume a highly interesting collection relating to the......

The Highland Bagpipe. By W. L. Manson. (alexander...

6d. net.) —We shall be content to make a general recommendation of this book to our readers. It contains the "History, Literature, and Music, with some Account of the......

China Under The Search - Light. By William Arthur...

Unwin. 3s. 6d.) —" China," says Mr. Cornaby, is " a continent rather than a country." Some part is tropical; much has great extremes of heat and cold; the staple foods are......