A Garden Diary.
methodical daily record of a year's sowings and growings and blowings will be disappointed. The book is not a diary in the practical sense. It is rather a journal intime of......
Novels Of The Week.*
THE series of translations of the novels of the famous Italian novelist, Matilde Servo, announced by Mr. Heine- mann, opens with The Land of Cockayne, a work whose ironic title......
The Canadian Contingents.
The Canadian Contingents. By Sanford Evans. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—This book, though it will, like all compilations, prove rather dry reading to the general reader, should be of......
Current Literature.
EGYPT AND THE HINTERLAND. Egypt and the Hinterland, by Frederic Walter Fuller (Long- mans and Co., 10s. Gd. net), is one of a class of books inspired by Sir Alfred Milner's......