Market Debate
Sir: Dr M. B. Akehurst (March 1) describes my previous letter (February 15) as "misleading in suggesting that the EEC Treaty requires the standardisation of laws in all member......
Small Is Beautiful'
Sir: The 'Small is Beautiful' growth industry is noteworthy for its spurious economics. John Papworth ('Sovereign State' March 1) falls into the common error of failing to......
Motor Industry
Sir: Probably the strongest case yet advanced by a motor industry leader for Britain's continued membership of the European Community was made a short time ago by Mr Gilbert......
Echning Literacy
Sir: Dr Boyson's article, 'Flight from reality' (March 1) makes disturbing reading: disturbing because of the declining standards of literacy of the children in our schools, and......
Film Flesh
Sir: There is no point in printing criticism unless it displays standards — unless all discourse is to give way simply to publicity promotion. Flesh Gordon is evidently a piece......
From Dr S. L. Henderson-Smith Sir: Many may think C. M. Fou's weighty diatribe (March 1) is enough to quell the arguments for voluntary euthanasia once and for all. A little......
Was It Wodehouse ?
Sir: Benny Green's delightful tribute to P. G. Wodehouse (March 1) included no mention of a thick paperback published over sixty years ago entitled: The Swoop, or How Clarence......