. . . A Seamless Mind
MICHAEL thought seamlessly when so many of his contemporaries were keeping their ideas in watertight compartments. Up at Oxford, he had met the chief of the Washugga tribe, who......
City And Suburban
The Chancellor with a song in his heart and a hole in his pocket CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he new Labour Chancellor took up his work with, as he told us, a song in his heart. He......
Impresario With . . .
I WENT to lunch with Michael Von Clemm in the Mayfair town house he had colonised for Merrill Lynch. French win- dows opened out onto a lawn and the catering was by the Roux......
Formula Two
MY racing correspondent, Captain Thread- needle, writes: Plans are afoot or ahoof in Portman Square, secretive headquarters of the Jockey Club, to have horse-racing reclassified......