No. 2011: Victorian Values
I have just read a spoof poem which in style, sentiment and subject-matter is quintessentially and risibly Victorian. You are invited to supply such a poem (maxi- mum 16 lines).......
Solution To 1334: Well, Well
aki a . t EIREICIr acne Ellarlein Lag Bonn EMI Ertori .0mo E 3 E A T . le CI Clallialla ..13 a An I as 111 E El CI i] 13 2t n I .11131:1 uninIMINIE1311/CIMEI A 1:11310 A......
Crossword 1337: 1337 By Dumpynose
A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's Late Bottled Vintage 1991 Port for the first correct solution opened on 1 December, with two runners-up prizes of £20 (or, for UK......
Isle Of
COMPETITION ISLE OF I J SISLIE WELT SCOTCH %Flat URA j si tj ,,,, ,,, 13 ,,,, (. 1- , i Updated pilgrims Jaspistos IN COMPETITION No. 2008 you were invited to supply, in the......