Simply Wrong
Sir: Sorry, dear Spectator, but you've really got it all wrong about Messina (Leader, 8 November). In 1955, ten years after the war, both France and West Germany were still......
That Man Again!
Sir: Many a New Labour fellow-traveller or apparatchik is a Widmerpool (Letters, 8 November), but, because the law has not been clarified, it might be libellous to name them.......
A Social(ist) Disaster
Sir: In his very clear review of the life of Lord Callaghan, covering two pages of your edition of 8 November (Books), Alan Watkins omits a point which might be con- sidered of......
Letters Defender Of The Faith
Sir: I was surprised to learn that Britain is `an artificial creation of four nations initial- ly cemented together by the Protestant reli- gion, the Empire and war'......
Sir: R.h.a. Winchester Writes (letters, 8 November) That...
not recognise any Widmerpools within the HAC of today. This is of course correct. Real Widmer- pools are to be found only in the regular Army, and then only in the Guards and......
Sir: Ideally Today's Widmerpool Candidate Served As An...
the second world war, became a Labour MP, thence to the Lords, is by nature a blusterer and a verbal bully, and, for me, the one man who fits this description is Denis Healey.......