• 2112. Ragg's New Poems.
King Alfred's Dream, and other Poems. By Frederic W. Ragg, M.A. (Rivingtons. 3s. 6d.)—The poem which Mr. Ragg puts in the front of his collection is certainly the finest. His......
English Political Philosophy From Hobbes To Maine.
English Political Philosophy from Hobbes to Maine. By William Graham. (Edward Arnold. 10s. 6d.)—We welcome this book as an honest attempt to revive interest in a much-neglected......
Novels Of The Week.*
Mn Tnohfas Conn has already proved himself a welcome recruit in the ranks of the light horsemen of modern fiction, and he has found congenial scope for the display of his......
Current Literature.
THE MAKING OF A FRONTIER. The Making of a Frontier. By Colonel Algernon Durand, C.B., C.I.E. (.J. Murray. 16s.)—We find it impossible to express in short compass our enjoyment......