The Current Number Of Leslie's Weekly Contains An...
paper by Captain Mahan on " The Monroe Doctrine and our Navy." Touching on the Nicaragua Canal, he points out that if America intends to make the Monroe doctrine effectual in......
We Are Glad To Learn From The Excellent Letter, Signed
by Mrs. Arnold-Forster, Lady Frances Balfour, and Mrs. Fawcett, which appears in Wednesday's Times, that the Women's Liberal Unionist Association has undertaken the work of......
The Contest Raging In The German Parliament Over The...
Meat Bill is assuming larger proportions. This Bill, as we noticed last week, virtually prohibits tho importa- tion of meat, and the merchants, 12 per cent. of whose trade......
The Times Publishes A Long Paper By Mr. Rudyard Kipling,
which he calls "The Sin of Witchcraft." The sin of witch- craft is rebellion, and the object of the paper is to show that Cape Colony is honeycombed with rebels, many of them in......
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, The Premier Of Canada, A Roman Catholic
and of French descent, delivered on Tuesday a speech in the Dominion Parliament full of passionate loyalty. He declared that the unpreparedness of England for this war was her......
Mr. Lecky's Article On The Moral Aspects Of The South
African War in last Saturday's Daily News may be com- mended to all who are open to conviction as to the righteous- ness of the British cause. Dismissing as impracticable the......
Sir R. Reid Sprung A Fierce Debate On The Government
on Thursday night. He complained very justly of the growing habit of breaking up meetings opposed to the war, instancing Mile End, where hundreds of persons attacked the......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 101i.......