Lord Salisbury's Reply Is One Of The Ablest And Most
satis- factory State Papers ever despatched by a British Govern- ment. It gives in a compact form the history and the justification for the war. Her Majesty's dominions were......
Sir R. Reid Sprung A Fierce Debate On The Government
on Thursday night. He complained very justly of the growing habit of breaking up meetings opposed to the war, instancing Mile End, where hundreds of persons attacked the......
There Is Nothing To Be Said In Regard To This
state- ment of the British case except that it is thoroughly sound and just, but we almost wish that Lord Salisbury had added that though we do not intend to leave the Republics......
Daring The Passage Of The Youthful Offenders' Bill...
in the House of Lords on Monday Lord Salisbury made a characteristic speech on the clause which substitutes whipping for imprisonment. Lord Elgin having dwelt on the feeling......
In Regard To The Volunteers, Mr. Wyndham Stated (1) That
the Government were sending officers to Switzerland to examine the Swiss rifle ranges ; (2) that they intended to help Lord Wemyss's scheme for a Volunteer Reserve by granting......
No Government, It Is Clear, Will Intervene In This War.
M. Delessee, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, made 3a Thursday a speech in the Senate in reply to an interpella- tion, in which he hinted that France would have......
In The Course Of His Speech Mr. Wyndham Mentioned That
there were nearly thirty thousand Colonial troops either in or on the point of leaving for South Africa. Of these about twenty-two thousand were from Cape Colony and Natal. The......
In The House Of Commons On Monday Mr. George Wynd-
ham made his statement on the Army Estimates. The Royal Reserve battalions are, he declared, proving a magnificent suc- cess. Up to Saturday last seventeen thousand four hundred......