[to Rue Editor Of Thb " Brzotaton."] Sat,—i Have Been
reading with great interest your recent publications in regard to the alcohol question. I am exceedingly pleased that a paper as widely read as the Spectator should advocate so......
Talk In A Y.m.c.a. Hut.
" y ou seen Sergeant Clark's got killed 7—Cup of tea and some of them currant biscuits, please, Miss. Three a penny ? Hero's the tickets.—Yes, poor chap. Better'n ten Colonels......
Drink And Economy.
ere TM§ EDITOR OP THE " SPHOTATOE.1 Sat, — The, indulgent and courteous treatment extended to my letter of last week makes me reluctant to ask permission to trespass again on......
Letters To The Editor.
FREDERIC THE GREAT ON RESPONSIBILITY FOR ATROCITIES. [To TUB uerrea OP TEN " SPECTATOR1 Sat,—It is to be presumed that in their infamies the Prussians imagine that they are......