18 DECEMBER 1915, page 13

Mr. Alfred Booth's Speech.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —I fully agree that the speech which you published by- the Chairman of the Cunard Company is a most notable contri- bution to the......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:'] Srn,—having Read Your

article " How the Brewer's Dray Blocks the Ammunition-Wagon and the Wheat-Truck" in last week's issue of the Spectator with great interest, I am venturing to ask whether it......

"down Glasses!"

[TO THE EDITOR OP THIO " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In your issue of November 27th you publish an article headed " Down Glasses I " and I must confess I am very much surprised at a......

An American Professor On The Drink Traffic.

[To TILE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Srn,—A distinguished American, a Professor at a leading University in the United States, who knows England well, and who, with his wife,......

[to The Editor Oe The " Spectator.")

SEE, — I have never ceased to feel grateful to you for your article of November 6th on the drink question. A short time ago I was on a visit to a large Midland town where much......

To The Editor Op The " Spectator.")

Ent,—If you would press for the total prohibition of the sale . of spirits during war time, I believe you could carry the country with you. The case against the consumption of......

• The King's Example.

[To THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR.") Sur,—Even if the fine example set by the King has failed in producing a widespread teetotalism, it can hardly be doubted that, besides the......