[to Rue Editor Of Thb " Brzotaton."] Sat,—i Have Been
reading with great interest your recent publications in regard to the alcohol question. I am exceedingly pleased that a paper as widely read as the Spectator should advocate so......
"down Glasses!"
[TO THE EDITOR OP THIO " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In your issue of November 27th you publish an article headed " Down Glasses I " and I must confess I am very much surprised at a......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Strs—as One Who
has resided in a " public-house" from birth until the age of forty-five, during which period I have held a licence for twenty-five years, and for forty years been a total......
(to The Editor Op Tub " Spectator. ") Sin,---coming From...
a few days ago, I had occasion to stop at North Road Station for lunch. For many years it has been my habit to take a little alcoholio drink with my modest lunch. On this......
Rro Rut Editor Op The "spectator. ") Sin,—in Your...
on the letter of Mr. C. Bailey entitled " Drink and Economy" in your issue of the 4th bast. you say : " Our answer to Mr. bailey's suggestion that the new restrictions' have not......