19 APRIL 1963, page 16

Teachers' Unions

SIR,—Mr. John Vaizey, in 'Teachin g : Profession or Trade' (Spectator, April 12), makes a useful con- tribution to the contemporary discussion of teachers' problems. Many......

The Hard Sell Sig,—leslie Adrian, Quoting Selectively...

of mine in World's Press News, includes sell ing by telephone in his blanket condemnation of th. 'hard sell' In point of fact, telephone selling tech niqucs as practised by this......

Near Myth

By ISABEL QUIGLY ters, etc.) in ordinary writing; • transfer: shift from one posi- Lir 11: tion to another (from, to); transfigure: change the aspect of; transform: change the......

Tangled Lines

SIR,—The railway unions are indeed opposed, as John Cole says (Spectator, April 12), to 'the whole philosophy behind the job' Dr. Beechin g was given to do. But what philosophy......


SIR, —Many of your readers, both male and female, will hope that Mr. Pierre Frederick's letter will have some effect upon the makers of shirts who with the shirt offer sixteen,......