Spectator's Notebook
T KNOW that British immigration officials are a llot of thugs. I am convinced of the turpitude of the law. I admit that the Home Office is the most reactionary organisation of......
Communists In Conference
By STEPHEN FAY S TRANGER things have happened, but the attempts of the Communist Party to make friends left, right, and centre during their Easter congress was one of the......
Operation Splinter
I trust that Canon Collins and the Rev. Donald Soper arc now both hot under the dog-collar at the dance they were led on this year's Alder- . maston pilgrimage. If ever CND had......
The Zoo Theatre A Visit To The Zoo After A
winter's interval finds a transformation scene in progress which bears witness to the Zoological Society's im- proved financial position and desire to continue a process of......
Letters Of Junius The Other Day I Bought On A
bookstall a couple of volumes of the Letters of Junius, and since then I have been browsing in them. Does anyone read them now? Probably not, yet they remain among our greatest......
Spectator's Readers Faced As They Are This Week...
forms, I have every sympathy with the Speaking as someone who dislikes tilling in with our request for information about them - selves. On the other hand, a desire to have ones......
Wisden 1963
I think it is perhaps fitting that the hundredth edition of Wisden, the cricketer's bible, should appear almost to the day of the anniversary of Dr. W. G.'s last match—though......