Dead For A Ducat. By Leo Bruce. (peter Davies, 12s.
6d.) This stylish and amusing writer handicaps himself from the start by having as his Holmes and Watson a rich, Bentley-driving school- master and an odiously precocious......
Justice Enough. By Harry Carmichael. (collins, 10s. 6d.)...
crash on a Costa Brava honeymoon, in which a secret formula goes astray, sets off a chase through the streets of the City of London and the back alleys of small Spanish towns.......
Death At Fuoirr. By Colin Willock. (heinemann, 13s. 6d.) A
shade too technical, surely, about wild-fowling and its appro- priate artillery for the kind of stay-at-home who suffers his vicarious thrills by way of crime-stories—but......
It's A Crime
VOTE AGAINST POISON. By John Sherwood. (Hodder and Stoughton, 12s. 6d.) Engagingly lively story of a by-election both caused and bedevilled by murder of sitting member. Flirts......
Venice Of The Black Sea. By Helen Robertson. (macdonald,...
6d.) Suspedted sororicide in East London suburb, where local redbrick Poly. has an anatomy lab. handy for tidying up superfluous limbs and torsos. Good on the seedy,......
A Telegram From Le Touquet. By John Bude. (macdonald, 10s.
6d.) French detective-inspectors are in the fashion, but although Mr. Bude has dreamed up a Maigret of the midi, stationed at Nice, there is an obstinately home-counties air......
Murder Of Olympia. By Margot Neville. (bles, Ils. 6d.) Mel-
bourne prinking itself for the 1956 Games is the background to this murder mystery, but the Olympia of the title refers not to the stadium but to the Manet nude whom the......
Soeur Anglle And The Ghosts Of Chambord. By Henry Catalan.
(Sheed and Ward, 9s.) Something fresh for the jaded palate is a nun-detective, even if the French and (one presumes from the publisher's imprint) faithful author has played a......
Breakfast With A Corpse. By Max Murray. (michael Joseph,...
6d.) Max Murray's death this year was a loss to those who had a taste for his neat plots, dry dialogue, and touch of disillusioned wit. There is one more of his novels still to......
New Novels
A TRADITIONAL week, fictionally speaking; the standard high, but without any surprises, the expected qualities and a good deal more. Storm Jameson's The Intruder (Macmillan,......
Man Of Two Tribes. By Arthur Upfield. (heinemann, 12s. 6d.)
Here, by way of contrast, is the prose laureate of the great Aus- tralian out-back, and although the kidnapping of a number of released murderers, and the motive behind it, are......
Pussies, Ponies And Peonies
SUNLIGHT ON THE LAWN. By Beverley Nichols. (Cape, 16s.) Ma. NICHOLS in the rustic state feels he is 'a compact and co-ordinated member of a civilised society' where passions are......