I Attended On Monday What Must Surely Have Been One
of the strangest parties ever held within the precincts of the Houses of Parliament : given by one formerly certified lunatic f or the press, in order that the press might meet......
See That The French Financial Periodical Les Echos Thinks...
Sir Anthony Eden 'est devenu Europeen,' because he is convinced that Labour will win the next election and unless something is done will then ruin the country by 'un retour d un......
But What Would Happen Then? Mr. Sherek, I Think, Has
one good point : the lack of the censor's permissu superiarunz would leave managements open to the,risk of prosecution by any common informer, or local watch committee. This......
Mr. Butler's Remarks About Sir Anthony Eden Are Really...
Earlier this year he called Sir Anthony 'the best Prime Minister we have,' which was hardly an extravagant encomium. On Saturday he said that Sir Anthony had repre- sented the......
11 An Interview On The Bbc's Panorama Last Monday, Henry
Sherek described a chat he has had recently with the Lord C hamberlain on the subject of the censorship of plays. The ! - Ord Chamberlain, Mr. Sherek said, is not only......
According To Reports, Politics And Politicians Are Now...
equivalent of box-office poison in America : I am interested to see that this is not yet true here; the films take ° at the party conferences have had a good press. A word o f......