Country Life
BY IAN NIALL NEARLY every common bird has enemies of some sort and, most of them, its friends. There are rook shooters, and rook protectors who would never allow their rookeries......
A Los? Pig As I Was Standing On The Bank
I began to hear a rustling in the undergrowth. It was more than the noise made by a foraging bird, and at length the maker of the noise began to break through. I found myself......
I3v PHILIDOR No. 72. G. LATZEL (Tiedsehrilt N.8.13..19391 mate in two moves: solution next week. I Solution to last week's problem by Woodward: R-K 8, threat Q-B 7. 1 ... P-Kt......
Frost Warning
Frost is a menace in the flower garden. Lift begonias and dahlias at the first sign of it and store them in a frost-proof shed. Geraniums should be moved in under glass at about......
Ant-eater Wanted
A tale of untimely ants comes from a London reader who writes. 'On a September Friday afternoon at 4.45 last year, I entered our front downstairs room to find the curtains,......
Over The Water
Intercepted Post, edited by Donald Nicholas (Bodley Head, 16s.), a miscellaneous collection of letters, written principally by Jacobite sympathisers and intercepted during the......
Image Of Spring Professor Gwyn Williams's Selection Of...
the. first thousand years of Welsh verse—The Burning Tree: Welsh verse. edited and selected by Gwyn Williams (Faber, 25s.)—is a useful companion volume to the fine Introduction......
West Indian For All That A Short History Of The
West Indies (Macmillan, 18s.) is a short and unpre- tentious book, it nevertheless represents an ambitious undertaking. The subject defies the limits of a single volume; the......