19 SEPTEMBER 1896, page 17

The Prayer Of Tibullits.

" Te spectem, suprema mibi quum venerit Nora, Te tone= moriens deficiente mane." SWEET Tibullus, I was reading Yester-eve this prayer of thine, Where the anguish of thy pleading......


CHARLES LE V E R.* IT is a very great pity that Charles Lever was not a greater man. If he bad only been an Irish Walter Scott, and coula have done for his country what the......

The Atrocities In Constantinople.

[70 TBZ EDITOR OF THZ " SPRCTATOR."] Sin,—Might not the present Lord Salisbury say to the Powers ! as Lord Salisbury in King John, Act 4 Sc. 3, said to his brother Lords?— "......

Tactics For The Mashonas.

[To THE EDITOR OF TIER " SPZCTATOR:9 SIR,—General —, one of our distinguished Indian fighters-, told the following story in the train as we were going to San Francisco, to......


A REPLY. TO A. H., WHO ASKED IF SHE SHOULD "BRING ME ANY BOOKS OR COMFORTS. "] BRING me the book whose pages teach The fortitude the stoics preach; Bring me the tome within......