Sailing Tours. By Frank Cowper, M.a. (l. Upcott Gill.)—to...
from his ingenuous and entertaining preface to this the fifth part of his Yachtsman's Guide to the Cruising Waters of the English and Adjacent Coasts, Mr. Cowper is a little......
Current Literature.
' The Touch of Sorrow. By Edith Hamlet. (J. M. Dent and Co.) —Few readers will lay this book down with dry eyes. The story is, at first sight, unambitious and simple, and its......
Two Campaigns: Madagascar And Ashantee.*
THE author of this bulky volume was the war-correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, and the patience and courage with which he achieved his task are none the less admirable......
Story Of An Irish Sept. By N. C. Maenamara. (dent
and Co.) —This is the story of an Irish clan, of a family that has lived upon its own land for upwards of fifteen hundred years, and constitutes a proof, if more were wanted,......
Outlines Of Church Histcn Y. By Rudolf Sohm. Translated By
Miss Mary Sinclair. (Macmillan and Co.) —Professor Sohm's ideal is Luther. Of Luther's principles and work he cannot speak too highly. But of Lutheranism he must needs, if he is......
The Rochester Diocesan Directory. (wells Gardner, Darton,...
a volume on which the only possible criticism, of an adverse kind, is that it is too good at the price, which we may say is ls. 6d. net. We do not, indeed, see anything in it......