Welsh Mountaineering, By Alexander W. Perry (l. Tipcott...
practical directions for climbing Welsh mountains (where it is as easy to kill oneself as it is in Switzerland).—Bennett's Handbook for Travellers in Norway (T. Bennett,......
The Hastings Chess Tournament, 1895. Edited By Horace F....
(Chatto and Windus.)—Two hundred and thirty games were played in the Chess Tournament of last year. These are all given in this volume, and there are also added annotations by......
School - Books.
Horace, Ode IV. and Epodes Edited by James H. Gow. (Cambridge University Press.)—These volumes complete Dr. Gow's useful edition of the lyric verse of Horace. A great amount of......
The New Kingdom. By F. Reginald Statham. (swan Sonnen-...
and Co.)—Mr. Statham appears to be for making some- thing like a clean sweep. The " family as the unit of society " has not been a success. The possession of land is " the mcst......
Outlines Of Church Histcn Y. By Rudolf Sohm. Translated By
Miss Mary Sinclair. (Macmillan and Co.) —Professor Sohm's ideal is Luther. Of Luther's principles and work he cannot speak too highly. But of Lutheranism he must needs, if he is......