1 AUGUST 1891, page 1

Lord Halsbury, Who Replied To The Toast Of "the House

of Lords," remarked that hie zest for Parliamentary institutions was much less keen at the end of a Session than at the begin- ning; just as his zest for the Lord Mayor's......

Mr. Dillon And Mr. O'brien Have Been Released From Prison,

and have immediately thrown in their lot with the Anti- Parnellites. They have not been sorry to be compelled to keep passive till it became clear to them which of the two......

The Commons Accepted On Thursday The Lords' Amend- Ment To

the Free Education Bill which struck out the word " suitable " from the proviso that in case the Education Department is asked to allow a charge of fees, or an increase of fees,......

News Of The Week.

J ORD SALISBURY'S announcement of the intended visit J of the French fleet to Portsmouth after its return from Russia, makes it clear enough that there is no coldness at the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Lord Salisbury, And Such Of His Colleagues As Were Not

- wanted in the House of Commons, were present at a banquet at the Mansion House on Wednesday, where they were, of course, complimented on the work of the Session by the Lord......

Sir Michael Hicks-beach, Speaking At A Unionist Demon-...

Andover on Wednesday, admitted that the by-elections were ominous to the Government ; but, on the other hand, he said that the Gladstonian leaders, though they expected success......