1 AUGUST 1891, page 17


HOD GE ON FREE EDUCATION. FREE Eddicashun cummin', an' noboddy's 'odd to be broke ; Noboddy voatin' agen it ! an' noboddy putt in a spoke ! Cats lick kittens to shape a bit at a......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]

Sin,—I hope that Lord Salisbury's speech of July 15th is a hint of what Government propose to do during the next Ses- sion. It is insufferable that Ireland and the North of......

"helen's Vow."

[To THE EDI/OR OF THE " SPECTATOV1 SIR, — Your reviewer, in his kindly notice of my book, states that I am "a follower of Ouida..' " This remark has been made by reviewers......

Lto The,editor Of The "spectator.' ] Sir, - Will You...

observe upon the last point in your criticism of Lord Salisbury's speech at the United Club, whizh appeared in the Spectator of July 18th? You say it was a great error on his......

Mr. Spurgeon.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." ] SIR,—Permit me to say that I, for one, have anticipated the suggestion of "A. G. T.," contained in a letter which appeared in the Spectator......

The Tabard Street Factory-girls' Club.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you allow me once again to bring before your readers the needs of the Factory Girls' Home and Club in Tabard Street P It becomes......