1 AUGUST 1891, page 16

Lto The,editor Of The "spectator.' ] Sir, - Will You...

observe upon the last point in your criticism of Lord Salisbury's speech at the United Club, whizh appeared in the Spectator of July 18th? You say it was a great error on his......

The Clerical Conspiracy In Ireland. Cro The Editor Of The

" $PEOTATOE."1 SIE,—I will ask space for a few words in reply to the editorial note appended to my letter in the Spectator of July 25th. I. do not complain of the Roman Bishops......


THE FORT DES VINGT-QUATRE HEURES. THE other day, as I was listening to some old familiar words which have been sounding now for eighteen hundred years and more, my mind......

Letters To The Editor.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR IRELAND. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT01."] Sin,—Allow me to express my hearty agreement with your article on "Mr. Balfour's Announcement." You omit to......