Tough Questions
Sir: If Paul Johnson really knew what aca- demic philosophers talk about these days (And another thing, 18 July), his bile might rise more than it does now. As a lecturer in......
Sir: As Well As Worrying His Curly Head Over `what
is philosophy for?', Paul Johnson might like to ponder a raft of similarly unanswerable questions. What is physics for? What is sculpture for? What are sym - phonies for? What......
Sir: I Am Not Surprised That The Bishop Of St
Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane claims to be receiving letters about John Gummer from the spirit world (Letters, 25 July). My memories of him in St Andrews include the occasion......
Letters Noise In Church
Sir: If Mr Selwyn Gummer would only pause for a moment and listen he might learn that it is not only trendy liberals who support the ordination of women. So do a considerable......
The Very Notion
Sir: When I was working for Punch in the 1950s, Evelyn Waugh offered to send us an article suggesting that Tito was in fact a woman. Malcolm Muggeridge, then the editor, wisely......
Feet Of Clay
Sir: I don't like to see your reviewer Flew bad-mouth John Kenneth Galbraith (Books, 13 June). Professor Galbraith is a pillar of the East Coast establishment and a true......
Fatal Flaw
Sir: Simon Heffer (Politics, 25 July) slurs British politicians when he writes that David Mellor is disliked by them for his superior ability. By general consent, it is his......