The Grand Difficulty In The Transvaal Is Not To Subdue
the Boers, who have no artillery, cannot defeat regulars in equal numbers, and. are unable to remain steadily in the field, but to garrison the country. If the farmers remain......
It Is Not Quite Easy To Understand What Is Passing
in the Transvaal, the bulletin-makers obviously being dependent on rumour, and excited by stories of treachery and murder: '17here ie no proof of either yet, though there is......
At The Breakfast Of The British And Foreign...
Wednesday, Mr. Miindella made a very interesting speech, in which he commented upon an assertion made in the desponding article of the Times on Christmas Day, that there is no......
A Letter From Lord Carnarvon To Mr. Bright, Dated From
Madeira, and commenting indignantly on Mr. Bright's speech made at Birmingham on the 16th November, appeared in the papers of the 24th December, to which Mr. Bright wrote a......
It Is Almost Useless To Try To Form An Estimate
of the strength of Greece until her soldiers have been tested in the field. They have as yet never seen a battle, and may behave like Americans at Bull Run, or like Americana at......
" George Eliot "—mrs. J. W. Cross—was Buried On Wednes-
day in Highgate Cemetery, amidst a crowd of mourners of all cla,sses and both sexes, though the day was one of continuous rain. The authentic story of her early life has been......
The Newspapers Are Full Of Telegrams About The Project Of
Greco- Turkish arbitration, which, however, is still in its infancy. The Powers have agreed to ask Turkey and Greece to refer their differ- ences to an arbiter, but neither......