The Home-rule Party Held Ts Grand Meeting In Dublin On
Monday, to arrange for the Parliamentary campaign. It was settled that a Committee should be formed to act as a "Cabinet, " and direct-the proceedings of the party; and that in......
The Trial Creates No Apparent Excitement In Dublin, Which,
however, is garrisoned by 6,000 regulars ; and the proceedings hitherto have been dreary, consisting mainly of a lengthy address by the Attorney-General, full of extracts from......
News Of The Week.
T HE Irish Tories, and, indeed, it may almost be said, all Irish landlords, having now accepted the principles of fixity of tenure, free sale, and fair rent, and a considerable......
There Has Been An Idea Put About In Ireland That
the Pope does not really disapprove the tactics of the Land League, and the language of his recent communication to an Irish Bishop has been misrepresented in this sense. In the......
The Trial Of Mr. Parnell And His Thirteen . Companions,
accused of unlawfully conspiring . to prevent the fulfilment of legal contracts, "with intent to impoverish the owners of land, " commenced on Tuesday, in the Queen ' s Bench......