Mr. J. C. King, Of Wellington Square, S.w., Is A
bold man. He proposes to join Ireland to Scotland by a gigantic mole, stretching from the Mull of Cantyre to Tor Point, Antrim. The distance is la miles, the extreme depth 474......
It Is Evident, From Lord Hartington's Reply Given On Tues-
day to a deputation from the cotton-spinners of Lancashire, that the Indian duties on cotton goods arc doomed. Lord Hartington admitted that the policy of Lord Salisbury must be......
There Is No Better Sign Of The Times Than The
private gener- osity which is now sowing Cottage Hospitals freely all over the country. On Wednesday, the Princess Christian and the Bishop of Winchester opened a new cottage......
Sir Watkin Williams Made A Serious Mistake On Christmas Day,
in his speech to a literary gathering held at Ebenezer, near Carnarvon. He spoke of two classes of law-breakers,—the Ritualist clergymen and the Irish peasants, who had many......
The Bishop Of Ely Has Written A Very Remarkable Reply
to an address of some of his clergy, who express grave anxiety as to the results of the recent prosecutions of Ritualist cleigyinen, and ask for counsel. The Bishop, in......
Mr. Chamberlain Received, A Deputation From The...
on the Sugar Bounties question on Tuesday, and stated with great force the resolve of the Government to have nothing to do in any case with the policy of imposing a......
At The Breakfast Of The British And Foreign...
Wednesday, Mr. Miindella made a very interesting speech, in which he commented upon an assertion made in the desponding article of the Times on Christmas Day, that there is no......