The Reason For This Estimated Deficit Of Over £16,000,000 Is
easily set forth. The Chancellor of the Exchequer does not venture to estimate the revenue that will be derived from the existing taxes higher than 2148,390,000. He cannot put......
We Cannot Find Space To Summarise Mr. Lloyd George's Speech,
but must note two points of special importance, though they are very different in character. The first is that we never remember so conjectural a Budget. It is necessarily very......
News Of The Week.
O N Thursday Mr. Lloyd George opened his first Budget. The main fact, a fact the sinister significance of which cannot be exaggerated, is that he has, even on his own optimistic......
* * The Ifalitors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
From The Revenue Thus Derived Must Be Deducted, However,...
which is to be spent on improved roads ; 2200,000, which is to go in agricultural development ; 2100,000, which will be required for labour exchanges ; and £60,000 for......
Owing To The Very Great Length Of The Chancellor Of
the Exchequer's speech, the immediate discussion, on the Budget was even more perfunctory than usual. Mr. Austen Chamber- lain, who followed the Chancellor of the Exchequer,......
We Have Discussed Elsewhere In Detail The New Taxes By
means of which Mr. Lloyd George proposes to meet his estimated deficit. Here we will only say that he hopes to obtain the money he requires in the following ways:— Taken from......