1 MAY 1909, page 22

The Quarterlies.

"Ir there were a general election to-morrow," sap; the writer of "The Political Scene" in the Edinburgh Review, " over a largo extent of the scene of administration it would bo......

Readablb Novnts. — The Stairway Of Honour. By Maud...

(Mills and Boon. 6s.)—A collection of short stories in three parts—of olden days, of yesterday, of to-day- with some excellent work in them.—The Old Man in the Corner. By the......


THE WHITE SISTEitt MANY readers will shale the regret awakened by the appear- ance of Mr. Crawford's latest novel. The late Mr. Bagehot in his essay on "Shakespeare the Man"......

The Roi Qf No Return, By A. C. Inchbold. (chatto

and Windus. Os.)—By far the most interesting part of this book is the description of a Russian pilgrimage in Palestine, drawn from the point of view of one of the pilgrims. The......