Tee Character Of Julius Caesar.
[To TR) EDITOR Or TIM "liPROTATOR.1 SIE, — May / venture to draw the attention of your readers to Signor Ferrero's appreciation of the character of Julius Caesar at the end of......
Welsh Disestablishment.
LTO TOR EDITOR or TRI "SPROTATOR.1 SIH, — Your ideal of the English National Church is a beautiful one (Spectator, April 24th). Would that it were realisable. But, alas! under......
The New • Zealand Parson Bird- Pro The Emon Or
Tits " SrIgOTATOR."3 Sin, — In the excellent review of Mr. Lea's new work, "The Romance of Bird Life," published in the literary supplement to the Spectator of Noveoaber 7th,......
Professor Gcldwin Smith On Mr. ' Gladstone And Home-rule.
[To THE EDITOR ON VIII "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—You will, I am sure, allow one who can speak with first-band knowledge strongly to protest against Professor Goldwin Smith's version of......