The Prime Minister's Offer Of Full Dominion Status To Sinn
Fein Ireland and Mr. De Valera's reply were published on Monday. Mr. Lloyd George, writing on July 20th, invited Ireland " to take her place in the great association of free......
- The Second Point Is That Mr. De Valera Evidently
flatters him- self that as the British people shrink from another war, they will therefore be prepared to give the Southern Irish anything they want, even the head of North -......
The Prime Minister Went On To Say That The Settlement
" must allow for full recognition of the existing powers and privileges of the Parliament and Government of Northern Ireland, which cannot be abrogated except by their own......
The First Is That We Have Never Read A More
definite and cynical declaration of the Sinn Fein intention to override the wishes of North-East Ulster, to detach her by compulsion from her true allegiance, and to deprive her......
Mr. Lloyd George Proceeded To Enumerate The Conditions "...
to the welfare and safety of both Great Britain and Ireland, forming as they do the heart of the Commonwealth " :- " 1. It is essential that the Royal Navy alone should control......
News Of The Week.
N OBODY knows, when we go to press on Thursday, whether the bitter and defiant speech which Mr. De Valera delivered in Dublin on Wednesday is to be taken as a true index of the......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......