Mr. De Valera Then Declared That Dominion Status For Ireland
was " illusory." The Dominions enjoyed freedom because they were remote. " The most explicit guarantees, including the Dominions' acknowledged right to secede, would be......
But He Then Used Words Which Proved That What The
Southern Irish want to do is to ignore the existing " partition " of Ireland into separate religious and racial camps, and to refuse any settlement which does not break the......
We Are Glad To See That Mr. Harold Cox In
the Morning Post of Tuesday is advocating once again the policy of " the clean cut " as the solution of the Sinn Fein question. He agrees with us in thinking that if the......
The Prime Minister Went On To Say That The Settlement
" must allow for full recognition of the existing powers and privileges of the Parliament and Government of Northern Ireland, which cannot be abrogated except by their own......
Demand. " Irish Independence Could Not Be Realized At The
present time in any other way so suitably as through a Re- public." " The Irish Republic as such was sanctioned by the will of the people." Their first duty was to make " the de......
The Regular Session Of Dail Eireann Opened -in Dublin On
Wednesday. Mr. De Valera repeated his strange operation of Tuesday, and strongly. advocated the rejection of the proposed terms even before the Dail had begun to discuss the......
To This Astonishingly Generous And Statesmanlike Offer,...
returned on August 10th the reply of a narrow- minded fanatic. It began :- " On the occasion of our last interview I gave it as my judg- ment that Dail Eireann could not and......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Lloyd George
reviewed the recent work of the Supreme Council. We have written elsewhere about the reference of the Silesian question to the League of Nations, and need not reproduce what Mr.......
In The House Of Commons On Friday, August 12th, Mr.
.Asquith moved the rejection of the Safeguarding of Industries Bill. Ile said that he did not know whether to regard it as a serious fiscal proposal or an ephemeral political......
The Prime Minister At The Same Time Published A Striking
letter which General Smuts, before leaving for South Africa, sent to Mr. De Valera on August 4th. General Smuts told the Sinn Fein leader that " for the present no solution......
The Prime Minister, Replying On August 13th, Made It Clear
that no British Government could compromise " on the claim that we should acknowledge the right of Ireland to secede from her allegiance to the King." Ireland must recognize the......