20 AUGUST 1921, page 23


MEMOIRS OF A MIDGET.* Tim writer who is familiar only with Mr. de la 3fare's poetical work will expect a great deal from a full-length novel with so alluringly suitable a title......

Poets And Poetry.

SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN POETRY.-11I. WE have brought evidence to show, first, that the modern realization of the dangers of unquestioned systems of......

Some Aspects Of Modern Education.* The Modern Parent May...

feel like the perplexed peasant in the fable of the man, the boy, and the ass. There are at least a dozen exponents of as many absolutely incompatible methods of education, and......

Readable Novels.—martha And Mary. By Olive Mary Salter....

6d. net.)—A novel concerning the hero's two marriages. Of the first it may be said that his wife was too good for him, and of the second that lie got nothing but what ho......