On Wednesday There Was Another Discussion At Manchester...
subject of proportional representation after the Com- mittee appointed to examine the test-vote had examined it and reported on the results. Both political parties were......
No Answer Has Yet Been Received From Paris As To
British proposals about Egyptian Finance. It was rumoured in the beginning of the week that Lord Granville had, agreed to give up the proposed reduction of the Coupon ; and......
The Fenians Attempted On Saturday To Blow Up London Bridge.
Some of them were, it appears, aware of the existence of a hole two feet in circumference intentionally left by the builders in some of the buttresses of the bridge. The con-......
On Tuesday, Mr. Courtney Expounded His Views To The Man-
chester Reform Club, and though he found it easy enough to show how a voter should vote, he found some difficulty in ex- pounding to his audience how the Returning Officers......
News Of The Week.
-FI ORD WOLSELEY on December 16th telegraphed to the War Office to announce his arrival at Korti, a point beyond Ambukol, where he must decide whether he will push across the......
Sir John Lubbock Has Been Prosecuting, With Some Vigour,...
Mr. T. H. Bolton calls his " Hare-brained " scheme for pro- portional representation this week. On Monday he summoned a meeting of the political happy family of which he is the......