Magna Charta Stories. Edited By Arthur Gilman, M.a....
Son.)—The first story is naturally that of "Magna Charts" From this we are rather unexpectedly taken back to very distant and different times. First comes " Horatius at the......
A New Natural History For Children.* Stories About...
so popular with children, as, indeed., with their elders, that no one will object to a new selection being added to the many that already exist, especially as Mrs. Campbell had......
Ready And Willing. By J. T. Hopkins. (t. Nelson And
Sons.)— This story comes from the other side of the Atlantic, and tells us of the adventures of a certain Guy, who wins the hearts of relatives who are not particularly well......
On The Wings Of The Wind. By Henry Frith. (routledge
and Sons.)—Mr. Frith tells here some railway stories, and tells them capi- tally, working well a theme which, in spite of some prosaio belonging, is not unproductive of romance.......
Queen Amethyst ; Or, The Life Of Snow. By Henry
Blunt. (Marcus Ward and Co.)—It is not easy to describe this little tale beyond saying that it is a love-story prettily told. Egbert, a young prince, with the cares of rule......
Preston Tower; Or, " Will He No Come Back Again
?" By Jessie M. E. Saxby. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, Edinburgh.)— There is a great variety of interest in this story. There is abund- ance of incident woven together into......
True To Himself. By Evelyn Hetherington. (t. Nelson And...
—There is somewhat more sentiment—perhaps we should say more exhibition of sentiment—about this book than will snit boy readers. Boys' hearts are not very easy to get at, and......
More Old Wives' Fables. By Edouard Labonlaye. (routledge...
The Shepherd Pacha a Turkish Story," the first of those included in this volume, is very good. A Pacha of the true Turkish type falls under his master's displeasure, and being......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. The Cities of the World. By Edwin Hodder. (Cassell and Co.)— 'This is the third and concluding volume of a most interesting work. There are eleven chapters, eight of......
Effie And Her Strange Acquaintances. By The Rev. John...
Phillipson and Golder, Chester ; Griffith, Ferran, and Co., London.)— This book may perhaps best be described by saying that the machinery of the story reminds us of "Alice in......
Three Fairy-tales. By Pan. (griffith, Farra.n, And...
perhaps, a little too obviously didactic, but prettily told and make pleasant reading.......