No Answer Has Yet Been Received From Paris As To
British proposals about Egyptian Finance. It was rumoured in the beginning of the week that Lord Granville had, agreed to give up the proposed reduction of the Coupon ; and......
The Country Need Not Alarm Itself At Present About Siam.
The Hong Kong correspondent of the Tiabes, it is true, tele- graphed on the 16th inst. that the Governor of Saigon had addressed a threatening letter to Bankok about the Siamese......
The Bishop Of Lincoln (dr. Wordsworth) Has Announced His...
of resigning his see on or before Lady Day next, owing to the infirmity of his health, which has been much increased by the serious illness of this year. His resignation will be......
The Vacancy Caused By The Retirement Of Archbishop Trench...
the see of Dublin was filled up on Thurs- day by the election of Lord Plunket, the Bishop of Meath, to the Archbishopric. The only prelate who seems to have had any considerable......
A Trial Is Going On At Leipsic From Which It
appears that a working printer named Reinsdorf, a fanatic of much energy and no scruples, nearly succeeded in blowing-up the Emperor of Germany, his son, and his Court, while......
President Arthur Has Sent Down To The Senate For...
a Treaty with Nicaragua, enabling the United States Govern- ment to cut a canal through that State from Greytown, through the great lake and the San Juan, to Brito. It is......
The German Reichstag Appears Determined To Remind Prince...
it still holds control of the purse. He had asked for certain additions to the Foreign Office staff, one of which was a new "Director," with a salary of £1,000 a year, and......
Lord Ripon Has Been Honoured On His Departure From India
with a perfect ovation from all classes of natives. In Calcutta, which is not an emotional city, thousands of Bengalees turned out to receive him, and in Bombay the people lined......
We Trust That The Society "for The Liberation Of Religion
from State Patronage and Control" will discuss and reverse the very imprudent decision of its executive to force on Disestablish- meat as a test-question at the first General......