Poultry Manure
All manures, especially artificials, are increasingly difficult to obtain. Poultry manure is much advertised, but it seems worth recording a season's experience of it. Long ago......
Free Trade Or Protection
SIR,—In your issue of December 6th the author of the article entitled " After Victory" quotes one by Mr. George Peel in which he is said to observe that in 1929 under Free Trade......
Country Life
Unorthodox Planting Most gardeners are slaves to the calendar, many to a point of superstition. In some Midland districts many gardeners will not plant a seed before March 18th,......
December Hedge
A magnificent example of the hop-garden hedge, almost twenty feet high and composed almost entirely of hawthorn patched with dark rays of ivy, stands opposite another, planted......
Frame Crops
The unorthodox gardener, taking a risk or two, can now, in fact, do a national service. He will not wait for March for the sowing of short-horn carrots, but will sow in a frame,......
Fewer Starlings ?
For years we have been confronted with the increasing menace of the rabbit in agriculture ; in six weeks the weather of early 194o did more to solve the problem than all the......
News Of Air Raids
SIR,—In your note " The Excesses of the Censors," in The Spectator of November 29th, you mention complaints in American newspapers of the continued suppression of the names of......
The Evacuation Problem
Sta,—As you mention in a recent issue places must be found at the reception end where evacuees can live in reasonable comfort. Recep- tion authorities, however, while most......